what are you listening to?
Aha, I forgot to write something down for this. Anywho, welcome to COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS! We just opened, like. Yesterday. I appreciate all the activity we've gotten already! Keep up the good work, everyone~! No real updates aside from the site opening as of yet, but there will be many events in the future for you all to look forward to. Have fun! ▼
Hensworth is a city in a world much like the one you know and love. However, there's this one little thing that makes it stand out from what you're used to – the people. You see, in the world that houses Hensworth, people are born under the burden or grace of a curse or blessing respectively. The curses and blessings themselves are unpredictable and vary depending on the person in strength and specifics. One person might sneeze fireballs. Another may have the smarts of a super computer. Sometimes, what a person is born with isn't even entirely clear to that person, him or herself. One thing that most people in this city share in common, though, is a goal; they want to complete a task designed specifically to challenge them in body or mind that will ensure they keep their blessing, or rid them of their curse forever. Are you up for the challenge? Count Your Blessings is a sandbox RP set in an alternate universe much like the one we live in now. There is no definite plot for characters to take part in, though their actions may be egged on my their blessing or curse, their task, or periodic events that will be held to further site progression. We are rather lax, with a reasonable word count of only one hundred words per post and easy-to-follow rules, and accept roleplayers of any and all levels. Whether you're already a member, a guest eying that register button, or someone passing by, we – the staff and members here at CYB – hope you enjoy your stay. Thank you. |
COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS belongs to its staff and members. The plot is original, crafted by LEAP, MELON, and ORANGE. The skin was made by LEAP, with codes from places like PROBOARDS SUPPORT. All images used on the board belong to their respective owners, and we do not claim any that does not belong to us! All content on the site belongs to the members here at CYB. We ask that you DO NOT TAKE anything that does not belong to you. Thank you for your time! |